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Tuesday, September 11, 2007

It's Official!

We are sending out bid notices tomorrow to the major news papers and construction trades. they will be published Sunday, Sept. 16. Bids will be due Oct. 17. The library board will meet that night or the next day to consider the bids.

We are a little nervous that bids will come in for more money than we have. But we have built a nice cushion in our money pot to accommodate a reasonable increase of construction costs over the plans from two years ago, so we are hoping for the best.

We are about $300,000 short of the $2.2M we have determined is needed for the project. That's $1.5M for the building and the rest for furnishings and books. This morning library director Richard Band spoke to the Indian Land Rotary about the project and fielded a few questions from members about naming opportunities.

We also have a Rotary member that is in construction and his company will be interested in offering a bid. They are located in Richburg, SC, but most of the workers are here in Indian Land.

Wouldn't it be cool if our library were built for Indian Land by Indian Land residents?


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